EDTC 8371

This online course examines contemporary research relevant to the theoretical foundations of teaching and learning online. Through examination of current literature relevant to effective online instruction, students will analyze the pedagogical implications for teaching and developing effective online courses and learning communities incorporating current and future technology tools. Lec. 3, Cr. 3.

Individual Projects:
  • Project 1: Online Learning Theories and Theorists Presentation (PDF) 
  • Project 2: Reflective Paper on Online vs. F2F Learning Experiences (PDF)   
  • Project 3: Online Teaching Philosophy Statement (PDF)  
  • Project 4: Dissertation Research Topic Position Paper (PDF)   
  • Project 5: Educational Technology E-Portfolio  (HTML)

Cooperative Project: Online Instructor Certification Proposal
  • Word Document: Abstract
  • Power Point:  Abstract  
  • Part 1: Justification/Rationale HTML   
  • Part 2: Syllabus/Prospectus HTML  
  • Part 3: Topical Outline (HTML)
Note: You will need to upload your files to an online/cloud-based storage source, then hyperlink those files to this page as demonstrated above. It would be helpful to submit projects in PDF and/or HTML formats for easy access through a web browser. Other formats may require viewers to download the files before they can be viewed.

There are many free online storage sites such as Google Docs and DropBox. Click on the following link to see other cloud-based services.